Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Last day in Greece

Hello Peeps--
I have a very limited time on my internet card and to avoid any snafus like the Italian fiasco, I am going to keep this short and quick.

Our time in Greece is quickly coming to a close. I will be able to do a comprehensive post about Mykonos and the rest of our Greek adventures when I return home in a few days. Tomorrow we are getting picked up at 5AM to go to the airport to head to Turkey. Insane I tell you. Why is our flight so godforsaken early?!!?!

Anyway, It's been fun. I'll try and write again from Istanbul, but if not, wait for my complete report when I return home.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lu, You're cracking me up. I think my favorite line that was all of the old stuff is starting to look the same, but you can still appreciate it because it is "mad old". I was crying!
Hope you and Rachel are having a great time. Have a very safe trip home. :)